Sunday, March 29, 2009

2 WoW or not 2 WoW?

So what does one do when World of Warcraft doesn't WoW you anymore?
I have found myself at a crossroads, no I'm not in the barrens, about WoW. I want to keep playing but it is becoming stale.
The nerfing of the DeathKnight class has all but removed anything remotely heroic about it. Yeah you can start at 55 but that's about it once patch 3.1 hits the servers. I liked the idea of a class that was considered heroic, better than the normal classes in all aspects. It seems blizzard's idea of heroic and my idea are now different.
The content I really can't say is lacking but when you get to 80 without hardly touching any of the new content it's kind of a bore afterward. Yes, you roll in gold for doing all those untouched quests but really, unless you are out to get mass amounts of gold with virtually nothing to show for it quite frankly sucks.
After setting my DK aside to level my hunter, I found that the biggest hurdles is getting over the level 70 hump. It feels like forever to get to 71 and little less than that to get to 72 but once you hit 73 the levels seem to fly on by. I dread thinking about leveling my other toons and that results in them sitting there doing nothing.
The community for WoW has seen it's fair share of asshats and it seems they have come back with a vengeance. I can understand having to "fight" the opposing faction for mining and herb nodes but having to do it within your own faction is a little ridiculous at best.

I do love the game which is why I have been playing since Nov. '04 but I wonder if I have overstayed my welcome and need to catch up with old "friends" like City of Heroes/Villains and Anarchy Online(at least i can play free)? I refuse to go back to Asheron's Call unless Turbine can find a way to reboot that franchise with a better version.

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